“I’m gonna put my nutsack on your drum set!”

“We are not at liberty to discuss our worst job experiences.”

“I’m Dale, but you have to call me Dragon.”

“Well, I think that we should be doing something more constructive with our time this summer. Like, building a bunk bed.”

“I’m not just gonna step over you!”

“I’m gonna slice your liver and feed it to you.”

“I am not a psychopath. I’m a high-functioning sociopath.”

“I’m going to the Smiling Irish Bastard.”

“I have to go to the bathroom… I’m about to cry.”

“I’m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.”

“Maybe we could aim for a little bit more constructive behavior. Like, maybe try and entertain ourselves with singing or something.”

“Did we just become best friends? Yup!”

“We’re here to fuck shit up!”

“I smoked pot with John Hopkins.”

“We’re on a mission from God.” SELF PROTECTION QUOTES

“I’m not a man; I’m a gentleman. And you’ll call me Robert.”

“This is my white whale.”

“I’m a man, I’m 40!”

“Why are you so sweaty? I was watching Cops.”

“I’m good at it, I’m fast, and I’m not afraid to get sand in my vagina!”

“I got him off. We’re good.”

“Shut your mouth, Derek.”

“Give me the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer!”

“I will punch you in the face. I don’t care how old you are.”

“It’s f**kin’ Catalina Wine Mixer time!”

“Brennan, that is the voice of an angel. Brennan, I can’t even make eye contact with you right now. Your voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus.”

“I’m a big fan of money. I like it. I use it.”

“I swear, I’m so pissed off at my mom. As soon as she’s of age, I’m putting her in a home.”

“So you’re telling me there’s a chance!”