“A person’s true colors will always show within time. You may be fooled for a moment, but be patient and see what happens.”

“Relationships are built on trust. Without trust, you have nothing.”

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

“Love is an action verb. You’ve got to show up and prove it every day.”

“When you are happy with yourself and confident in your own skin, that’s when you can truly be in a healthy relationship.”

“Communication is key. Without open, honest communication, a relationship cannot survive.”

“Effort should never be a one-sided thing. Both partners have to put in the work to make it last.”

“A real man understands the importance of his woman’s worth. He treats her with love, respect, and appreciation.”

“Don’t settle for a relationship that doesn’t meet your standards. You deserve better.”

“True love exists where two people bring out the best in each other and support one another’s dreams and goals.”

“You have to be happy with yourself before you can find happiness with someone else.”

“Never let someone treat you like an option when you deserve to be someone’s priority.”

“Healthy relationships require forgiveness. Holding grudges and dwelling on the past only breeds bitterness and resentment.”

“The key to a successful relationship is to have a sense of humor and to be able to laugh together.”

“Actions speak louder than words. Pay attention to how someone treats you, rather than what they say.”

“Be honest about your expectations and desires in a relationship. It’s important to be on the same page.” BEST DESIGN QUOTES OF ALL TIME

“In order to have a healthy relationship, both partners need to love and value themselves first.”

“Love shouldn’t hurt. If someone is causing you pain, it’s time to re-evaluate the relationship.”

“Never settle for someone who makes you feel less than you are. You deserve to be with someone who values and respects you.”

“The strongest relationships are built on a foundation of trust, respect, and mutual support.”

“It’s important to have separate hobbies and interests in a relationship. Personal growth is vital, even when you’re together.”

“Don’t lose yourself in a relationship. Maintain your own identity and continue to pursue your own dreams and goals.”

“Sometimes you have to let go of someone you love for the sake of your own happiness and well-being.”

“Love is a choice. Every day, choose to love, respect, and appreciate your partner.”

“Never underestimate the power of kindness and small gestures in a relationship.”

“Always be willing to listen and understand your partner’s perspective. Communication involves more than just speaking.”

“True love means accepting someone’s flaws and imperfections, and still choosing to love them unconditionally.”

“In order to receive love, you have to be open and vulnerable. Love requires taking risks.”

“Relationships without trust are like cars without gas. You can sit in it all you want, but it won’t go anywhere.”

“The best relationships are the ones where you can be completely yourself, and your partner loves and accepts you for who you are.”