“Stop pretending to be my friend when all you do is use me.”

“I’d rather have no friends than fake friends who only pretend to care.”

“Don’t act like my friend if you’re only here for the benefits.”

“It hurts more to have fake friends than to be alone.”

“I can see through your fake friendship, so stop pretending.”

“Don’t waste my time with your pretend friendship.”

“It’s better to have a genuine enemy than a fake friend.”

“I deserve friends who won’t pretend to care.”

“Your pretending friendship hurts more than your absence.”

“I’d rather be alone than surrounded by fake friends.”

“Stop pretending to be my friend if you can’t even be there for me.”

“I have enough enemies, I don’t need fake friends.”

“I don’t need fake smiles; I need genuine friends.”

“I can see right through your manipulative friendship.”

“I’ve had enough of your pretending; it’s time to move on.” GROUNDHOG DAY QUOTES PHIL

“Don’t pretend to be my friend just to be popular or fit in.”

“Stop pretending to care; actions speak louder than words.”

“Your fake friendship is more exhausting than being alone.”

“I deserve friends who don’t pretend to be someone they’re not.”

“Being alone is better than surrounded by people who fake their friendship.”

“I can’t trust someone who constantly pretends to be my friend.”

“Toxic friends disguise themselves in fake friendships.”

“Don’t fake being my friend; I’m not here for your convenience.”

“Words are meaningless if your friendship is nothing but a facade.”

“I’m tired of being used by fake friends who only pretend to care.”

“Genuine friends don’t have to pretend; they just are.”

“No need to pretend; if you don’t want to be my friend, just say it.”

“Stop pretending to be my friend only when it benefits you.”

“I’d rather be alone and true to myself than surrounded by fake friends.”