“A strong mind is like a rock, firm and unyielding, while a fragile heart is like a crystal, easily shattered.”

“A strong mind can withstand the toughest challenges, but a fragile heart can be wounded by a single word.”

“Having a strong mind means being resilient, but having a fragile heart means being vulnerable to emotional pain.”

“A strong mind can carry the weight of the world, but a fragile heart feels every burden.”

“Strength of mind comes from within, but a fragile heart is influenced by the outside world.”

“A strong mind can weather any storm, but a fragile heart is easily broken by the slightest breeze.”

“A strong mind can conquer obstacles, but a fragile heart can crumble in the face of rejection.”

“A strong mind can maintain composure in a crisis, but a fragile heart can be overwhelmed by emotions.”

“A strong mind can speak with conviction, but a fragile heart may struggle to find its voice.”

“A strong mind can control thoughts and actions, but a fragile heart can be controlled by emotions.”

“A strong mind is fearless in the face of adversity, but a fragile heart is timid and easily discouraged.”

“A strong mind seeks knowledge and growth, but a fragile heart fears change and uncertainty.” QUOTES FOR NEW BORN GRANDSON

“A strong mind can handle criticism, but a fragile heart takes every critique personally.”

“A strong mind remains steady in chaos, but a fragile heart is likely to become overwhelmed.”

“A strong mind believes in possibilities, but a fragile heart may doubt its own worth.”

“A strong mind can forgive, but a fragile heart struggles to let go of hurt.”

“A strong mind is fueled by determination, while a fragile heart is driven by emotions.”

“A strong mind knows its own worth, but a fragile heart seeks validation from others.”

“A strong mind can heal, but a fragile heart needs time to mend.”

“A strong mind can find strength in solitude, but a fragile heart craves constant companionship.”

“A strong mind values independence, but a fragile heart leans on others for support.”

“A strong mind seeks inner peace, while a fragile heart constantly battles internal turmoil.”

“A strong mind can achieve great things, but a fragile heart may fear failure.”