“Fake friends believe in rumors, real friends believe in you.”

“Fake friends are like shadows, always lurking but never there for you.”

“A true friend can see through the mask of a fake friend.”

“Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they fall away when the going gets tough.”

“A fake friend is like a candle, they only shine when it’s convenient for them.”

“It’s better to have no friends than to have fake friends.”

“Fake friends are like chameleons, they blend in but their true colors reveal themselves eventually.

“A true friend will always be there, while fake friends quickly disappear.”

“Fake friends will celebrate your failure, while real friends will cheer for your success.”

“You can’t fake loyalty, it’s either genuine or nonexistent.”

“Fake friends will stab you in the back, but real friends will always have your back.”

“Fake friends will use you, true friends will support you.”

“A fake friend is like a snake, coiled and ready to strike at any moment.”

“Trust is earned, not given freely to fake friends.”

“Fake friends are like clouds, they come and go but a true friend is like the sun, consistent and warm.” QUOTES ABOUT ACHIEVING A GOAL

“Fake friends will never understand the value of loyalty.”

“Real friends don’t need validation, fake friends crave it.”

“A fake friend talks behind your back, a real friend talks you up to others.”

“Fake friends are quick to judge, real friends offer understanding and support.”

“You can easily spot a fake friend when you’re in need of genuine help.”

“Fake friends vanish when the party is over, real friends stick around for the cleanup.”

“Fake friends pretend to care, but real friends genuinely do.”

“A fake friend is like a fair-weather sailor, only around when the seas are calm.”

“Real friends build you up, fake friends tear you down.”

“Fake friends follow you for the wrong reasons, real friends stay for the right ones.”

“Fake friends are like mirrors, reflecting illusions instead of reality.”

“A fake friend is like a shadow, always lurking but never providing true comfort.”

“Real friends are like rare gems, while fake friends are like fool’s gold.”