“I’m sweating like a pig!”

“I’m sweating buckets over here!”

“I’m so hot, I could fry an egg on my forehead!”

“The heat is making me sweat like crazy!”

“I’m sweating like a marathon runner in the desert!”

“I feel like I’m melting with all this sweat!”

“The sweat is pouring out of me!”

“I’m sweating like I just ran a mile.”

“It’s so hot, I’m practically swimming in my own sweat!”

“I’m sweating so much, I need a towel!”

“I’m drenched in sweat from head to toe.”

“The sweat is dripping off me like a leaky faucet.”

“I’m sweating like I’m in a sauna.”

“I’m sweating buckets and it’s not even gym class!” SWIMMING QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“I’m so sweaty, I could wring out my clothes.”

“This heat is causing me to sweat like a waterfall.”

“I’m sweating like a raccoon caught in headlights.”

“My clothes are stuck to my body from all this sweat!”

“I’m sweating like I just ran a marathon.”

“I’m sweating so much, I must be in a sauna.”

“I’m sweating like a pig in a sauna!”

“The humidity has me sweating like a marathon runner.”

“I’m so hot, the sweat is dripping off me like a faucet.”

“I’m sweating like a snowman in July!”

“My shirt is soaked with sweat from this heat.”

“I’m sweating like a sinner in church.”

“The sweat is streaming down my face like a waterfall.”