“First rule of cooking: never trust a skinny chef! Except for me, of course.” – Flynn Rider

“I’m just like a chameleon – I can blend in anywhere… as long as it’s in my tower.” – Rapunzel

“I have a dream, and it’s to eat a lot of chocolate. Like, a LOT.” – Rapunzel

“You know what would be an even better name than ‘Rapunzel’? Pascal!” – Pascal

“I’m not a horse, I’m a highly evolved dog!” – Maximus

“People say I’m a bit of a thief, but I prefer to think of myself as a ‘professional borrower’.” – Flynn Rider

“I’ve got 99 problems, but a tiara ain’t one.” – Rapunzel

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, my hair is so fabulous because it’s made of magic?” – Rapunzel

“Last time I checked, volcanoes were not standard features in a tower.” – Flynn Rider

“I don’t need a prince charming. I need someone who can handle my excessive haircare routine.” – Rapunzel

“Mother knows best… or so she thinks.” – Rapunzel

“I’m not sure if I’m more afraid of heights or of my hair getting tangled in something.” – Flynn Rider

“I will call this hairstyle ‘the bird’s nest chic’.” – Rapunzel

“I have a feeling my frying pan is going to see a lot of action in the future.” – Rapunzel

“Why use a ladder when you can climb up your own never-ending hair?” – Rapunzel FATHERS DAY QUOTES TO SON

“I must warn you, I have a very strong arm. Just ask anyone who has ever tried to steal my satchel.” – Flynn Rider

“Life’s a little bit hairy, but I’ve got a hairbrush, so it’s all good.” – Rapunzel

“I’ve got magic hair, but I still can’t do my own taxes.” – Rapunzel

“If I had a dollar for every time someone tried to kidnap me, I could probably afford a kingdom.” – Rapunzel

“Did you know that the sun is also a giant flaming ball of gas? A little less glamorous than I imagined.” – Flynn Rider

“Why have a boring old staircase when you can have a thrilling escape route from your tower?” – Rapunzel

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your… dry shampoo.” – Flynn Rider

“I’ve got a dream, and it involves me, a hammock, and zero responsibilities.” – Rapunzel

“I don’t need a castle. I just need a lifetime supply of paint for my art.” – Rapunzel

“I didn’t choose the tower life, the tower life chose me.” – Rapunzel

“I’m not crazy, my hair just has a mind of its own.” – Rapunzel

“Is it just me or does anyone else find floating lanterns a little bit creepy?” – Flynn Rider

“My hair is long enough to braid, but not long enough to reach the ground. It’s a cruel, unfair world.” – Rapunzel