“Thank God for good health, for it is the foundation of all happiness.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

“The greatest wealth is health. Thank God for good health.” – Virgil

“Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings. Thank God for good health!” – Publilius Syrus

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our minds strong and clear. Thank God for good health!” – Buddha

“Health is the greatest possession. Thank God for good health!” – Lao Tzu

“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account. Thank God for good health!” – Anne Wilson Schaef

“Thank God for good health, because without it, everything else becomes less meaningful.” – Unknown

“When you have good health, you have everything. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Good health is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Your health is your wealth. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Thank God for good health, as it allows us to live our lives to the fullest.” – Unknown

“A healthy outside starts from the inside. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. Thank God for good health!” – Jim Rohn

“Thank God for good health and the ability to take care of ourselves.” – Unknown LOVE FOR PIZZA QUOTES

“A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison. Thank God for good health!” – Francis Bacon

“Thank God for good health, as it brings a sense of vitality and energy to everything we do.” – Unknown

“Good health is not just about the absence of disease, but the overall well-being of body, mind, and soul. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Thank God for good health, as it allows us to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.” – Unknown

“Health isn’t about being perfect, it’s about perseverance. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Thank God for good health, for it gives us the strength to overcome any obstacle in life.” – Unknown

“Good health is a blessing we often take for granted. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Thank God for good health, as it allows us to pursue our passions and dreams.” – Unknown

“Your health is your most precious asset. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Thank God for good health, for it allows us to experience life’s joys and adventures.” – Unknown

“Never underestimate the power of good health. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown

“Good health is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. Thank God for good health!” – Unknown