“Thank you for the blessings, big and small. God bless you abundantly.” – Unknown

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough. Thank you, God, for all the blessings.” – Anonymous

“Thank you, God, for the constant grace and blessings that flow in my life. May you always bless me and keep me in your loving care.” – Unknown

“Count your blessings, name them one by one. Thank you, God, for everything you have done.” – Johnson Oatman Jr.

“Thank you for being the reason I smile. God bless you always.” – Unknown

“Thank you, Lord, for the daily blessings that highlight your unwavering love. God bless you abundantly.” – Unknown

“As I count my blessings, I am reminded to say thank you, God, for everything, big and small.” – Anonymous

“Thank you, God, for the people you have placed in my life. May you bless them all abundantly.” – Unknown

“I am thankful for all the blessings in my life. God bless me as I continue to appreciate and share these blessings with others.” – Unknown

“Thank you, God, for the blessings that come from above. May they continue to fill our hearts and souls with love.” – Unknown

“Thank you, God, for the strength to overcome challenges and the grace to appreciate the blessings in my life. God bless you abundantly.” – Unknown WEDDING INVITATION QUOTES AND SAYINGS

“Thank you for the gift of life and all the blessings that surround me. God bless you always.” – Unknown

“Thank you, God, for the blessings that remind me of your ever-present love. May you continue to bless and guide me.” – Unknown

“In times of trials, I lean on your blessings, Lord. Thank you for everything. God bless you abundantly.” – Unknown

“Thank you, God, for the blessings that fill my cup and overflow into the lives of others. May you continue to bless and keep us all.” – Unknown

“Thank you, God, for the roof over my head, the food on my plate, and the blessings that surround me. God bless you always.” – Unknown

“Thank you, God, for the blessings that lift me up and remind me of your presence in my life. God bless you abundantly.” – Unknown

“Thank you for the blessings of forgiveness, healing, and unconditional love. God bless you always.” – Unknown

“I am grateful for the blessings that come from above, and I pray for God’s continued blessings upon us all.” – Unknown

“Thank you, God, for the blessings in my life that bring me joy and happiness. May you continue to bless and guide me always.” – Unknown