“No one ever wants to know what’s beneath the surface until it’s staring them right in the face.”

“I’ve spent a lifetime being someone else, someone people could be proud of. But now, I want to be proud of myself.”

“Sometimes reality comes crashing down on you. Other times reality simply waits, patiently, for you to run out of the energy it takes to deny it.”

“Do not try to be pretty. You weren’t meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don’t let anyone ever simplify you to just ‘pretty’.”

“You do not live for people’s acceptances.”

“You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who wants to be with you every single moment of the day.”

“Don’t ignore half of me so you can fit me into a box. Don’t do that.”

“Don’t ignore the chaos inside me. It’s the best part.”

“You don’t need anybody to tell you who you are or what you’re capable of. You just need to believe.”

“The thing about diving into the deep end is that once you’re there, you can only go deeper.”

“Sometimes reality is chilling, and it can be easier to deny it than to confront it head-on.”

“Maybe diversity makes us uncomfortable because we’ve been programmed to want the opposite: uniformity, conformity, and a system that allows us to ignore the parts of ourselves we aren’t proud of.” RUMI QUOTES YOUR HEART KNOWS THE WAY

“Aging feels like shit, but growing feels incredible. Every step, every mistake, every bone-breaking self-doubt and heartache.”

“Don’t squander your potential trying to fit into molds that weren’t made for you.”

“You make yourself righteous when you forgive someone who hurt you.”

“Women never get to have any fun, right? We’re just here to give men pleasure. That’s what society tells us. It’s wrong.”

“If you haven’t heard of these women, it’s not because they didn’t create anything worthy of recognition. It’s because the world is but a small place for women’s stories.”

“None of us ever really know all the possible courses our lives could have, and maybe should have, taken. It’s probably just as well. Some secrets are meant to stay secret forever. Just ask Pandora.”

“There is power in making yourself understood, in verbally articulating your thoughts and emotions. It’s insidious the way nobody listens to us. Maybe because then they’d have to recognize we’re human, and that’s much more difficult to confront.”

“You can make mistakes, and you can feel regret, but you should always remind yourself that you did the best you could, at that moment in time, with the knowledge you had.”

“You have to be able to love yourself in order for others to love you. If you’re not at peace with yourself, you’ll attract people who reflect that negative energy.”

“You have to decide if love and certainty are sedimentary rocks that settle at the bottom, or if they’re lava, molten at the core and burning hot.”

“Sometimes, superficial knowledge leads to more questions than the in-depth kind.”