“Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.” – Haruki Murakami

“A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.” – Unknown

“Our memories give life to our existence.” – Paulo Coelho

“Memories are the key not to the past but to the future.” – Corrie Ten Boom

“Memories are the treasures that we keep locked deep within the storehouse of our souls, to keep our hearts warm when we are lonely.” – Becky Aligada

“Memories, even bittersweet ones, are better than nothing.” – Jennifer L. Armentrout

“You never realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss

“The real moment has disappeared but you will always have the memories to remind you.” – Unknown

“Good times become good memories, but bad times become good lessons.” – Unknown

“We do not remember days; we remember moments.” – Cesare Pavese

“In the end, all that matters is what you’ve done, and the memories you’ve created along the way.” – Unknown

“Memories are the architecture of our identity.” – Roger M. Keesing

“Memories are timeless treasures of the heart.” – Unknown

“Time moves slowly, but passes quickly. Memories are the reflections of our souls.” – Unknown MY FAMILY FIRST QUOTES

“Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Unknown

“To reminisce with my old friends, a chance to share some memories, and play our songs again.” – Ricky Nelson

“Memories are the saviors of a person’s life.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“In life, it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with that makes memories.” – Unknown

“Memories are like moonbeams, we can’t touch them, but they illuminate our lives.” – Marci Shimoff

“The best memories are the ones you can’t explain; they just leave an indescribable mark on your soul.” – Unknown

“Memories are the diary that we all carry about with us.” – Oscar Wilde

“Our memories are always intact. It is our ability to access them that sometimes gets lost.” – Jason Silva

“The moments we share are the memories we keep.” – Unknown

“Memories are the timeless treasures of our hearts.” – Unknown

“A great memory is never made synonymous with wisdom, any more than a dictionary would be called a treatise.” – John Henry Newman

“Memories are the threads that hold together the fabric of our lives.” – Unknown

“Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future. For if we remember what we’ve lost, we won’t take for granted what we still have.” – Unknown