The phrase “the center will not hold” is a line taken from the poem “The Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats. It is often quoted to describe a sense of chaos, instability, or societal breakdown. Here are some quotes related to this concept:

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.” – W.B. Yeats

“When the center cannot hold, the edges become entities unto themselves.” – David Mitchell

“In times of crisis, the center cannot hold itself.” – Rebecca Solnit

“The world has become an intricate web of contradictions – the center no longer holds, and the chaos is gradually taking over.” – Unknown

“As the center crumbles, chaos rushes to fill the void.” – Unknown

“When the center cannot hold, the world spins out of control.” – Unknown

“Societal breakdown occurs when the center loses its grip on stability.” – Unknown

“In the absence of a strong center, chaos reigns supreme.” – Unknown

“When the center cannot hold, we are left adrift in the sea of uncertainty.” – Unknown

“The center holds the key to balance, but when it weakens, chaos seeps in.” – Unknown

“When the center cannot hold, it becomes every individual for themselves.” – Unknown

“The center is the anchor of society; without it, we drift towards chaos.” – Unknown

“The collapse of the center leads to the dissolution of order and structure.” – Unknown

“Without a strong center, society becomes a hodgepodge of conflicting ideas and interests.” – Unknown CHRISTMAS QUOTE ABOUT FRIENDS

“In a world where the center cannot hold, survival becomes a delicate balance.” – Unknown

“Chaos is the natural state when the center lacks the strength to hold it at bay.” – Unknown

“The center is the glue that holds society together; its absence leads to disintegration.” – Unknown

“In times of crisis, the center crumbles, leaving us to navigate through the chaos alone.” – Unknown

“The center is the fulcrum upon which stability hinges; its absence tips the scale towards chaos.” – Unknown

“In the absence of a strong center, the forces of chaos run rampant.” – Unknown

“When the center cannot hold, we are left searching for stability amidst the turmoil.” – Unknown

“The center is the anchor that keeps us grounded; without it, we are left adrift in chaos.” – Unknown

“In a world where the center is weak, chaos becomes the new normal.” – Unknown

“The center may waver, but it must hold firm against the onslaught of chaos.” – Unknown

“When the center falters, chaos takes the reins, guiding us down a treacherous path.” – Unknown

“The center is the beacon of stability; without it, we are lost in a chaotic maze.” – Unknown

“When the center crumbles, the fragments splinter into chaos.” – Unknown

“The center stands as the last bastion against chaos, but its strength is not guaranteed.” – Unknown