“In the end, goodness will always triumph over evil.” – Unknown

“No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey continues. Good will prevail.” – Unknown

“The power of goodness is like a beacon in the darkest times, guiding us towards victory.” – Unknown

“Evil may have its moments, but goodness will have the last laugh.” – Unknown

“Goodness and love are stronger than hate and darkness. They will prevail.” – Unknown

“No matter how many obstacles stand in its way, goodness always finds a way to prevail.” – Unknown

“Goodness is a force that cannot be extinguished. It will overcome all challenges.” – Unknown

“The road to victory may be difficult, but goodness will always prevail in the end.” – Unknown

“In the battle between good and evil, goodness will always emerge as the victor.” – Unknown

“Though evil may try to overpower us, goodness will never surrender.” – Unknown

“Goodness is a flame that can never be extinguished, and it will burn brighter than any darkness.” – Unknown BACK TO WORK 2023 QUOTES

“When good people stand together, evil cannot prevail. Goodness will always triumph.” – Unknown

“Kindness and compassion are our greatest weapons against darkness. Goodness will always conquer.” – Unknown

“The goodness within us is a powerful force that can overcome any evil. It will prevail.” – Unknown

“In a world full of chaos, goodness is the beacon that will guide us to a better future.” – Unknown

“No matter how fierce the storm, goodness will always provide shelter.” – Unknown

“Goodness is the antidote to hatred and anger. It will always prevail.” – Unknown

“Every act of kindness brings us one step closer to a world where good will prevail.” – Unknown

“Goodness is contagious, spreading hope and positivity. It will prevail over darkness.” – Unknown

“When faced with adversity, remember that goodness never fails to prevail.” – Unknown

“The triumph of goodness may be silent, but its impact is profound.” – Unknown