“It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about domination!” – Andre

“You don’t draft a kicker in the first round, that’s like drafting a kicker at all.” – Pete

“Fantasy football is life. The rest is just details.” – Kevin

“I didn’t choose the fantasy football life, the fantasy football life chose me.” – Ruxin

“Draft day is like Christmas morning for grown-ups.” – Andre

“There’s nothing worse than being absolutely certain about your line-up, and then your team falls apart like a piece of garbage.” – Kevin

“Fantasy football is all consuming, it’s like a marriage of reality and game.” – Andre

“If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” – Taco

“I’m so over fantasy football. I’m into the real thing now. Actually, it’s the other way around.” – Pete

“People say fantasy football is a nerd’s game. Well, I’m the king of nerds!” – Ruxin

“I don’t care if I lose, as long as I can make someone else cry.” – Taco

“If you don’t take risks, you’ll never win. And if you never win, then you’ll never have bragging rights.” – Kevin

“Fantasy football teaches you life skills. Like how to let go of something you cared about for years, but ultimately wasn’t healthy for you.” – Andre

“Winning in fantasy football feels like being the king of the world. Losing feels like being punched in the gut by your childhood hero.” – Ruxin

“You can go down in the annals of history as one of the greatest fantasy football managers that ever lived!” – Andre GOD QUOTE ABOUT LOVE

“Fantasy football is like dating; you put in a lot of work but you mostly end up disappointed.” – Pete

“The key to success in fantasy football is knowing when to start hating the players you drafted.” – Taco

“Fantasy football is like a puzzle; you have to fit all the pieces together to create a winning team.” – Kevin

“Trading is like a drug. Once you start, you can’t stop.” – Ruxin

“In fantasy football, expect the unexpected… like drafting Tom Brady and then him getting suspended.” – Pete

“If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the fantasy football kitchen!” – Andre

“Fantasy football is a game of skill, strategy, and aggravation.” – Kevin

“You know what makes fantasy football great? The opportunity to feel like a genius every time your team actually performs.” – Ruxin

“Fantasy football is 90% luck, and 10% pretending you know what you’re doing.” – Taco

“You can’t spell fantasy football without fan. And ain’t nobody having more fun than me!” – Andre

“I don’t believe in ghosts, but I believe in fantasy football curses.” – Pete

“The worst part of fantasy football is that you can never enjoy a close game because someone on your team is always playing against you.” – Kevin

“Fantasy football is like a roller coaster; the highest highs and the lowest lows.” – Ruxin

“Win or lose, fantasy football is about the bonds you form with your friends… and bragging rights.” – Taco