“The world as you know it is a camouflage, a facade. It is as it appears to your senses because you have programmed yourself to believe that it is.” – Seth

“There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.” – Seth

“Your thoughts and emotions shape and create your reality.” – Seth

“You form your experience through your beliefs and expectations.” – Seth

“You create your own reality according to your own beliefs and expectations.” – Seth

“Your beliefs become your reality, shaping the world you experience.” – Seth

“The natural person is aware of interconnectedness and is concerned primarily with the well-being of the whole self.” – Seth

“Your beliefs about yourself and the world shape your experience of reality.” – Seth

“You create your reality by what you think, believe, and expect.” – Seth

“The world as you know it is a reflection of your own thoughts, beliefs, and expectations.” – Seth

“Your thoughts have a direct impact on the events and circumstances you attract into your life.” – Seth

“Your beliefs filter your perception of reality, shaping what you see and experience.” – Seth MISS U DAD QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“You have the power to change your reality by changing your thoughts and beliefs.” – Seth

“You have the ability to create and shape your reality through your conscious and subconscious beliefs.” – Seth

“You are constantly creating and recreating your reality through your thoughts and beliefs.” – Seth

“You are the creator of your own reality. Choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely.” – Seth

“Reality is not fixed or objective. It is malleable and responsive to your thoughts and beliefs.” – Seth

“Your reality is a reflection of your inner state of being.” – Seth

“You are not at the mercy of a pre-ordained reality. You have the power to shape your own destiny.” – Seth

“Your reality is a reflection of your beliefs. Change your beliefs, change your reality.” – Seth

“Your reality is a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations.” – Seth

“You are the creator of your own reality. Take responsibility for your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.” – Seth

“You have the power to create a reality that aligns with your highest aspirations and desires.” – Seth