“Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Destiny has many faces.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Honor is something a man attains for himself, something that can never be taken away.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Killing monsters is not something you do because you can. It’s not something you do because you want to. It’s something you do because you have to.” – Geralt of Rivia

“People linked by destiny will always find each other.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Monsters are born of deeds done.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Sometimes giving up is the strongest thing you can do. To remain silent, to be strong… that is what one must do.” – Geralt of Rivia

“The worst kind of monster is the one that looks human but possesses no humanity.” – Geralt of Rivia

“War is like love, it always finds a way.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Evil is evil. Lawful or chaotic, the degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all.” – Geralt of Rivia

“The world doesn’t care who’s right. Only who’s left.” – Geralt of Rivia

“We all play the hand we’re dealt.” – Geralt of Rivia

“A wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.” – Geralt of Rivia

“A killer for hire, puts bread on the table. No matter whose bread it is.” – Geralt of Rivia WAKE UP LIKE THIS QUOTES

“It’s the silence that scares me. It’s the blank page on which I can write my own fears.” – Geralt of Rivia

“People have forgotten how to laugh, but can still remember how to kill.” – Geralt of Rivia

“There is no greater monster than fear.” – Geralt of Rivia

“The world doesn’t need a hero. It needs a professional.” – Geralt of Rivia

“I’m a Witcher. I’m professionally trained to fight monsters.” – Geralt of Rivia

“A witcher is not meant to save the world. We hunt down monsters, not for glory, but for coin.” – Geralt of Rivia

“The sword of destiny has two edges. You are one of them.” – Geralt of Rivia

“The less men think, the easier they are to manipulate.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Do not weep. Do not wax indignant. Understand.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Destiny helps people believe there’s an order to this horseshit. There isn’t.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Life is the childhood of our immortality.” – Geralt of Rivia

“Love […] it’s like a storm. You must simply embrace it when it comes and enjoy the ride.” – Geralt of Rivia