“I opened my third eye, but all I saw was my missing car keys.”

“My third eye is more like a third eyebrow – always raising in confusion.”

“My third eye told me to quit my job and become a professional nap-taker.”

“I asked my third eye for answers, but all it said was ‘Netflix and chill’.”

“My third eye is like a crystal ball, except it just shows memes and cat videos.”

“My third eye is so lazy, it prefers to watch TV instead of predicting the future.”

“I should’ve known better than to trust my third eye’s fashion advice – it told me to wear socks with sandals.”

“My third eye is like a needy roommate – constantly asking for snacks and water.”

“I asked my third eye for enlightenment, and it replied with ‘have you tried yoga?'”

“My third eye is more like a party animal – it’s always winking at strangers.”

“My third eye thinks it’s a built-in nightlight – it keeps me awake with its glowing antics.”

“I tried to rely on my third eye, but it seems to be on a permanent vacation.”

“My third eye knows all the lyrics to ’90s boy band songs, but nothing useful.” PINOCCHIO BOOK QUOTES

“My third eye predicted the future once – it told me I’d drop my phone in the toilet, and it was right.”

“Sometimes I wonder if my third eye is just trolling me with false information.”

“My third eye’s idea of enlightenment is a bottomless basket of chicken wings.”

“I asked my third eye for relationship advice, and it replied with ‘more pizza, less drama’.”

“My third eye wants a raise – it claims it has been predicting earthquakes since birth.”

“My third eye is convinced it’s a fashion guru – it tried to convince me that mullets are making a comeback.”

“My third eye is like a snarky teenager – it rolls its metaphysical eye at everything I say.”

“My third eye only speaks in dad jokes – it’s a real sight for sore eyes.”

“I asked my third eye to help me find my life purpose, and it suggested becoming a professional pajama model.”

“My third eye believes in the power of positivity, as long as there’s chocolate involved.”

“My third eye is like a Google search engine – except it just brings up cat memes and conspiracy theories.”