“Friendship is a deep oneness that develops when two people, speaking the truth in love to one another, journey together to the same horizon.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is not only a gift, but also a responsibility. It is not just a joy, but also a duty.” – Tim Keller

“True friendship is marked by honesty, vulnerability, and mutual support.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is not just about spending time together, but also about investing in each other’s growth and well-being.” – Tim Keller

“A true friend respects your differences, supports your dreams, and helps you become a better person.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship requires selflessness and a willingness to put the needs of others before our own.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is both a shelter and a challenge, a source of comfort and a catalyst for growth.” – Tim Keller

“True friends are those who walk with us through both the joys and sorrows of life, offering their presence and support.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is built on trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to the well-being of one another.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is not about finding perfect people, but about accepting imperfect ones and embracing the beauty of their flaws.” – Tim Keller

“A loyal friend is someone who stands by your side even when the whole world turns against you.” – Tim Keller STEP DAD FATHERS DAY QUOTES

“In times of difficulty, a true friend is like a lifeline, offering support, encouragement, and unwavering love.” – Tim Keller

“Friends are the ones who see the best in us, even when we can’t see it ourselves.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is a treasure that grows with time, deepens with trust, and shines brighter with shared memories.” – Tim Keller

“Friends are like mirrors, reflecting back our true selves and helping us grow in self-awareness and self-improvement.” – Tim Keller

“A true friend is someone who celebrates your successes with genuine joy and offers a shoulder to lean on during your failures.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is not about having many acquaintances, but about cultivating deep connections with a few trusted souls.” – Tim Keller

“A good friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is a gift that should be cherished and nurtured, for it brings immense joy, comfort, and fulfillment to our lives.” – Tim Keller

“Friendship is a sacred bond that requires mutual respect, understanding, and a genuine desire to see the other person flourish.” – Tim Keller

“In the journey of life, true friends are like stars that guide us, comfort us, and remind us of our worth and purpose.” – Tim Keller