“Time reveals everything; it uncovers truths and exposes lies.” -Unknown

“In time, the truth will always reveal itself.” -Unknown

“Trust in the power of time; it has a way of revealing what is meant to be.” -Unknown

“Patience is a virtue, for time will always reveal the answers we seek.” -Unknown

“The passage of time unravels the mysteries of life.” -Unknown

“Only time can truly reveal one’s character.” -Unknown

“Time doesn’t lie; it reveals the truth that cannot be hidden.” -Unknown

“Time has a way of separating what is temporary from what is everlasting.” -Unknown

“The passage of time allows wounds to heal and truths to be revealed.” -Unknown

“Time exposes both the beauty and the flaws hidden within.” -Unknown

“The truth has no expiration date; time will always bring it forth.” -Unknown

“Time is patient; it waits until we are ready to face the truth.” -Unknown

“Time reveals the depths of one’s love and commitment.” -Unknown STARTING A NEW LIFE TOGETHER QUOTES

“In the end, time is the greatest storyteller, for it reveals the plot of our lives.” -Unknown

“Time reveals the true nature of relationships; it separates the real from the fake.” -Unknown

“When in doubt, give it time; eventually, everything will fall into place.” -Unknown

“Time brings clarity; it wipes away confusion and illuminates the path ahead.” -Unknown

“The passage of time unveils the lessons hidden within our experiences.” -Unknown

“Don’t rush for answers; time has a way of revealing them when we are truly ready.” -Unknown

“Time unveils the true intentions and motives of others.” -Unknown

“The truth may be hidden for a while, but time will always bring it to light.” -Unknown

“With time, even the darkest secrets are brought into the open.” -Unknown

“Time is the ultimate judge; it reveals the outcomes of our actions.” -Unknown

“The passing of time allows us to see beyond the surface and discover the truth within.” -Unknown

“Time unfolds the grand tapestry of life, revealing hidden patterns and connections.” -Unknown