“Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.” – The Wizard of Oz

“The heart is an incredible thing – it has the power to love, to heal, and to soar.”

“A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.” – The Wizard of Oz

“The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that.” – Woody Allen

“The heart has its reasons, which reason knows not.” – Blaise Pascal

“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“The heart knows when the search is over – it finds its home in another heart.”

“The heart is like a garden – it can grow love or weeds depending on what you plant.”

“A kind heart is like a garden – it blooms with love and compassion.”

“Listen to your heart – it knows the way.”

“The heart is our greatest guide – it knows the path to fulfillment.”

“Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” – Proverbs 4:23

“Your heart is a compass – trust it to lead you in the right direction.”

“The heart is a resilient muscle – it can withstand heartbreak and still find the capacity to love again.” SELF-OBSESSED QUOTES ONE LINERS

“The heart can be wounded, but it also has the power to heal.”

“The greatest treasure lies within your own heart.”

“A heart full of gratitude is a magnet for miracles.”

“The heart understands what the mind sometimes cannot comprehend.”

“The heart knows when it has found its soulmate – it feels like coming home.”

“A loving heart is the truest wisdom.” – Charles Dickens

“The heart knows no boundaries – love is love, regardless of gender, race, or religion.”

“A heart filled with love has the power to change the world.”

“Love is not found in another person – it resides in your own heart.”

“The heart is an artist – it paints the colors of love on the canvas of life.”

“Open your heart to the beauty and joy that life has to offer.”

“Love knows no limits – it can mend even the most shattered heart.”

“In matters of the heart, follow your intuition – it is the voice of your soul.”