“God bless us, every one!”

“Tip-toe through the tulips with me.”

“I’m so happy, just like a feather floating in the wind.”

“It’s not the size of the heart, but the size of the love that matters.”

“The true measure of a person is seen in their kindness towards others.”

“Even the smallest voice can create big change.”

“Love is the greatest gift we can give and receive.”

“Life is precious, every moment is a gift.”

“Hope is the light that guides us through the darkest nights.”

“Believe in miracles, for they do happen.”

“Never let your circumstances define your dreams.”

“No matter how little you have, there is always something to be grateful for.”

“Compassion is the key to understanding and connecting with others.” SINGLE MOTHER MOTHERS DAY QUOTES

“It’s not about how long you live, but how you make every moment count.”

“We all have the power to make a difference, no matter how small we may seem.”

“Dream big, because dreams have the power to come true.”

“Love knows no boundaries, it can reach even the loneliest hearts.”

“In every difficulty lies an opportunity for growth and strength.”

“The greatest treasure is found within ourselves, in our ability to love and be loved.”

“Kindness can heal even the deepest wounds.”

“Life is a journey, embrace the bumps along the way.”

“Spread joy wherever you go, it’s contagious.”

“We are all different, but that’s what makes us beautiful.”

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”