“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed.”

“A mother’s love is endless, even when she’s sleep-deprived and running on fumes.”

“I may be tired, but I wouldn’t trade this exhaustion for anything, because it means I have precious little ones who need me.”

“Motherhood is the ultimate juggling act, constantly balancing our own needs with those of our children.”

“I’m tired, but seeing my child’s smile at the end of the day makes it all worthwhile.”

“Sometimes I feel like a superhero, trying to save the day for my children while battling exhaustion.”

“Sleep may be elusive, but the love and joy my children bring make it all worth it.”

“Motherhood is giving from a reserve you never knew you had, even when you’re running on empty.”

“Tiredness may be a constant companion, but so is the love I have for my children.”

“I may be exhausted, but I am also a warrior, fighting the battles of motherhood every day.”

“Motherhood requires endless sacrifices, including sleep, but the rewards are immeasurable.”

“Sometimes all a tired mother needs is a moment of peace and quiet to recharge her spirit.”

“Motherhood may exhaust me physically, but it nourishes me emotionally.”

“Being tired is a small price to pay for the deep fulfillment and joy that motherhood brings.”

“Even on my most tired days, the love I have for my children carries me through.” FRIEND DIED QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Motherhood is a constant balancing act, where fatigue often becomes the norm.”

“Tiredness may be a part of motherhood, but so is the incredible strength that comes with it.”

“I may be tired, but with each yawn, I am reminded of the beautiful life I have created.”

“Motherhood teaches us to keep giving, even when we feel like we have nothing left to give.”

“Exhaustion may be a badge of honor for a mother, but so is the unconditional love she bears.”

“Tiredness is just a temporary state when compared to the lifelong joy of being a mother.”

“Motherhood is a journey that often leaves us feeling tired, but also incredibly fulfilled.”

“No matter how tired I am, seeing my child’s face light up erases all exhaustion.”

“The tiredness of motherhood is a small sacrifice for the incredible joy it brings.”

“Even on my most tired days, being a mother is the greatest gift I could ever ask for.”

“Exhaustion comes with the territory of being a mother, but so does an immeasurable amount of love.”

“I may be physically tired, but my heart is always full when it comes to my children.”

“Motherhood is a beautiful chaos that can leave me tired, but also more alive than ever.”

“Tiredness may be a constant companion, but so is the unbreakable bond I share with my children.”