“I’m so tired, I feel like even my bones need a vacation.”

“Today was so exhausting, even my coffee needed coffee.”

“I can’t wait to crawl into bed and forget this exhausting day.”

“Work really took it out of me today; I feel like I’ve run a marathon.”

“Today, I felt like a walking zombie at work.”

“Is it acceptable to put ‘survived a tiring day at work’ on my resume?”

“I don’t need a gym membership, my job gives me a full-body workout.”

“I think my brain cells are quitting their job after today.”

“Work was so draining today that even my shadow looked tired.”

“If I could measure effort in calories burned, I definitely reached my daily intake.”

“I need a day off to recover from my day off.”

“I’ve reached the point where just thinking about work makes me tired.”

“If anyone needs me, I’ll be power-napping under my desk.” QUOTES ABOUT LOVE HER SO MUCH

“Today at work, I felt like I ran out of energy but met my quota of stress.”

“I’m so tired, I could sleep for a week and still feel exhausted.”

“I deserve a gold medal for surviving today’s work marathon.”

“Today’s workday really took a toll on my mental and physical energy.”

“I’m not sure if I’m tired or just permanently exhausted.”

“If exhaustion was a currency, I’d be a millionaire after today.”

“I need a recovery day after today’s work fiasco.”

“Work drained me of all my energy, leaving behind a zombie version of myself.”

“I’m going to hibernate this weekend to recharge from today’s work overload.”

“Today felt like I was playing a never-ending game of mental gymnastics at work.”

“I need a bubble bath and a good book to escape from the fatigue of the day.”