“Cancel Christmas, because I’m about to bring chaos to your world.” – Tommy Egan

“You can try to cancel Christmas, but you can never cancel me.” – Tommy Egan

“Christmas is overrated anyways. I’m here to make everyday a nightmare for you.” – Tommy Egan

“I hope you enjoyed your last Christmas, because after today, everything changes.” – Tommy Egan

“It’s time to cancel the season of joy and bring in a season of pain.” – Tommy Egan

“You thought you could celebrate Christmas in peace? Well, I’m here to ruin your holiday spirit.” – Tommy Egan

“Sorry kids, but Santa ain’t coming this year. Tommy Egan is taking over.” – Tommy Egan

“Forget about Christmas miracles, you’re about to witness a Christmas nightmare.” – Tommy Egan

“Ho, ho, ho, say goodbye to your holiday cheer.” – Tommy Egan

“It’s time to cancel the happy holidays and introduce the season of fear.” – Tommy Egan

“Santa’s not the only one making a list. I’m making a list of everyone I’m about to destroy this Christmas.” – Tommy Egan QUOTES ABOUT SOMEONE BEING SPECIAL TO YOU

“Christmas carolers beware, I’m about to bring a different kind of tune.” – Tommy Egan

“You better watch out, you better not cry, because Tommy Egan is coming to town.” – Tommy Egan

“Christmas lights won’t save you from the darkness that’s about to consume your world.” – Tommy Egan

“I’m the Grinch that’s about to steal your Christmas and any hope of happiness.” – Tommy Egan

“Consider Christmas canceled, because I’m bringing you a gift you won’t forget.” – Tommy Egan

“Tis the season to be terrified, and I’m the reason why.” – Tommy Egan

“Christmas magic won’t protect you from the wrath I’m about to unleash.” – Tommy Egan

“Deck the halls with fear and despair, because I’m canceling Christmas everywhere.” – Tommy Egan

“Forget about jingle bells, I’m bringing you the sound of your worst nightmare.” – Tommy Egan

“You thought Christmas was a time for joy? Well, I’m about to show you the true meaning of fear.” – Tommy Egan