“Toxic people spread negativity like a virus.”

“Avoid toxic people, they will drain you of your energy and joy.”

“Toxicity is like a poison that slowly destroys relationships.”

“Negative people pollute the air with their toxic thoughts and attitudes.”

“Toxicity thrives in the absence of self-awareness and empathy.”

“Surround yourself with positive vibes and cut out toxic influences.”

“Toxic people are like black holes, sucking the happiness out of any situation.”

“Stay away from toxic people, they have a way of bringing out the worst in you.”

“Toxicity is a choice, choose to be kind and uplifting instead.”

“Toxic people will always find a way to make everything about themselves.”

“Don’t let toxic people rent space in your head.”

“Toxicity is contagious, protect your mental and emotional wellbeing.”

“Recognize toxic patterns and distance yourself from them.”

“Choose to surround yourself with people who inspire and support you.”

“Toxic people will try to manipulate and control, don’t let them.” NEW PARAGRAPH FOR QUOTES

“No one has the power to make you feel inferior without your consent, including toxic people.”

“Toxicity is like a poison dripping slowly, damaging everything in its path.”

“Toxic people thrive on drama and chaos, starve them of attention.”

“Rise above toxicity and focus on your own growth and happiness.”

“Toxicity is a reflection of someone’s own discontentment and inner turmoil.”

“Toxic people rarely change, protect yourself by setting boundaries.”

“Don’t let toxic people extinguish your inner light.”

“Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you.”

“Toxic people will always find a way to create chaos, don’t let them disrupt your peace.”

“Distance yourself from toxic people, and watch your life improve.”

“Toxicity is a silent killer of relationships, choose healthy connections instead.”

“Toxic people will try to bring you down to their level, rise above and stay true to yourself.”

“Toxicity robs you of your joy and self-esteem, reclaim your power and let go.”

“Avoid toxic people like you would avoid poison, for they can be equally destructive.”