“Fake friends are like shadows: always present during your brightest moments and nowhere to be found during your darkest hours.”

“A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.”

“A real friend is someone who is there for you even when they’d rather be somewhere else.”

“Sometimes, you have to let go of fake friends in order to make room for those who truly care.”

“A true friend doesn’t judge you by your past, but instead helps you create a better future.”

“Fake friends are like coins: you can never truly rely on them when you need them the most.”

“Friendship without trust is like a flower without water – it withers away.”

“A real friend isn’t afraid to tell you when you’re wrong, but they always have your back.”

“Fake friends may seem like a perfect match, but they always leave you feeling empty and used.”

“A true friend is someone who remembers your birthday, but forgets how old you are.”

“Fake friends are like puzzle pieces that just don’t fit – they may be there, but they don’t complete the picture.”

“A real friend is someone who supports your dreams, even if they don’t understand them.”

“Sometimes, it’s better to have no friends than to surround yourself with fake ones who don’t deserve your trust.”

“Fake friends will only pretend to be happy for your success, but a true friend will be genuinely proud of you.”

“A real friend is not afraid of your success, but instead celebrates it as if it were their own.” GREAT GRANDPARENTS QUOTES

“Fake friends are like shadows – they disappear when darkness falls.”

“A true friend is someone who not only listens to what you say but also understands what you don’t.”

“Fake friends are like puzzle pieces: they may seem like they fit, but the picture is never complete.”

“A real friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, even when you’re smiling.”

“Fake friends will always talk behind your back, but a true friend will have your back in any situation.”

“A true friend is someone who can see through your fake smile and knows when something is wrong.”

“Fake friends come and go, but a real friend stays with you through the ups and downs.”

“A true friend is someone who never leaves your side during your worst moments but celebrates with you during your best.”

“Fake friends may walk beside you, but they will never walk the extra mile for you.”

“A real friend is someone who not only remembers your favorite song but also sings it with you.”

“Fake friends will always find a reason to bring you down, but a true friend will always find a reason to lift you up.”

“A true friend is someone who knows your weaknesses but focuses on your strengths.”

“Fake friends are like mirrors – they reflect the image you want to see, but they can never see beyond the surface.”