“The true colors of a person are revealed in moments of adversity.” – Anonymous

“A person’s true colors always show within their actions.” – Unknown

“The way a person treats others reveals their true colors.” – Unknown

“True colors are not always bright and beautiful; they can also be dark and ugly.” – Unknown

“Character is revealed when nobody is watching.” – Unknown

“The true colors of a person shine brightest during times of struggle.” – Unknown

“True colors are like a fingerprint; unique to each individual.” – Unknown

“Don’t judge a person by their words; judge them by their actions.” – Unknown

“Actions speak louder than words; they reveal the true colors of a person.” – Unknown

“True colors are not shown during happy times; they are revealed in moments of despair.” – Unknown

“You can’t hide your true colors forever; they will eventually come to light.” – Unknown

“A person’s true colors are not determined by their past, but by their present actions.” – Unknown BROKEN HEART ALCOHOL RUINS RELATIONSHIPS QUOTES

“True colors are like a mirror reflection of a person’s soul.” – Unknown

“The true colors of a person are revealed when they think nobody is watching.” – Unknown

“Your true colors are the ones that stand strong when everything else fades away.” – Unknown

“A person’s true colors are revealed by how they treat those they have nothing to gain from.” – Unknown

“In the darkest times, the brightest true colors shine through.” – Unknown

“The true colors of a person can be hidden, but they can’t be erased.” – Unknown

“Fake people eventually show their true colors; true people eventually reveal their true colors.” – Mandy Hale

“True colors are like an artist’s palette; they create a unique masterpiece.” – Unknown

“The true colors of a person are like a puzzle; every piece reveals a part of their true self.” – Unknown

“Diversity of true colors is what makes the world a vibrant and beautiful place.” – Unknown