“I know the best people. I know the most talented and the smartest people. Believe me, folks!”

“I surround myself with only the best people. I don’t settle for anything less than excellence.”

“We’re going to have the best people in my administration. We’ll have winners all around!”

“I have assembled an incredible team of the best minds in the country to tackle our nation’s challenges.”

“I don’t hire just anyone, I hire the best. My standards are high, and my belief in their abilities is even higher.”

“I have a knack for spotting talent. I can see potential in people that others can’t.”

“You need smart, driven individuals to get things done, and that’s exactly what I have on my team.”

“I’ve always said, if you want to be successful, surround yourself with successful people. That’s what I’ve done.”

“The best people are attracted to success, and with my track record, I have no problem attracting the best!”

“I hire based on merit, not on connections. I want the best and the brightest, regardless of who they know.”

“I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of human capital. The people you surround yourself with can make or break you.” LIFE WILL HUMBLE YOU QUOTES

“I don’t settle for mediocrity. I demand excellence from everyone on my team.”

“When you have the best people working for you, success is inevitable.”

“In the business world, you’re only as good as the team you have around you. That’s why I only have the best.”

“I build a team of winners. I want people who are motivated, ambitious, and ready to achieve great things.”

“If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best. That’s why I choose the best people to surround myself with.”

“When you have a team of talented individuals, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.”

“Success breeds success. When you have successful people on your team, it’s contagious.”

“I believe in empowering my team. I want them to excel and reach their full potential.”

“The best people have a hunger for success. They are relentless in their pursuit of excellence.”

“We are going to make America great again with the best people for the job. We will not settle for less!”