“Just think positive thoughts, and everything will be fine.”

“You just need to relax, it’s all in your head.”

“Don’t worry, things always work out in the end.”

“Stop dwelling on the past, focus on the present.”

“Just let go of your worries and be happy.”

“You should be grateful for what you have, others have it much worse.”

“Just think of all the good things in your life, and the bad won’t matter.”

“Have you tried just not thinking about it?”

“Everything happens for a reason, just trust the process.”

“Why don’t you just try harder?”

“Crying won’t solve anything, so stop being so emotional.”

“You’re just overthinking things, it’s not that complicated.”

“You should focus on self-care and everything will fall into place.”

“You need to learn to be more resilient, life is tough.”

“Just keep pushing through, things will get better eventually.” QUOTES ABOUT SEASONAL FRIENDS

“Fake it till you make it, that’s the key to success.”

“If you try harder, maybe you’ll finally achieve your goals.”

“Stop comparing yourself to others, and you’ll feel better.”

“You’re just being too sensitive, toughen up a bit.”

“Happiness is a choice, so choose to be happy.”

“Stop dwelling on the past, there’s no point in thinking about it.”

“Quit procrastinating and just get things done already.”

“Just think about how lucky you are, some people have it much worse.”

“You need to set higher expectations for yourself, then you’ll succeed.”

“Why don’t you just focus on the positives, and forget about the negatives?”

“You’re overreacting, it’s not that big of a deal.”

“You just need to change your mindset, and everything will be better.”

“You’re being too pessimistic, try looking at the bright side of things.”