“I seem to have a talent for attracting bad luck.”

“If there’s a chance for something to go wrong, it always does for me.”

“Every time I think things are finally going well, disaster strikes.”

“I’ve come to accept that I’m the unluckiest person in the world.”

“Luck has never been on my side.”

“Life just loves to throw curveballs my way.”

“I often feel like there’s a black cloud following me wherever I go.”

“It’s almost comical how consistently things go wrong for me.”

“I’ve given up trying to win the lottery; luck is not my friend.”

“If there’s a wrong decision to be made, I always make it.”

“It feels like bad luck has taken up permanent residence in my life.”

“I’m convinced that I have some sort of personal curse.”

“I could walk into an empty room and still find a way to trip over something.” MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES FOR STRESSFUL DAYS

“I’m the person who always ends up with the broken item in a store.”

“My unlucky streak is legendary among my friends.”

“I hold the record for most mishaps in a single day, guaranteed.”

“If there’s a traffic jam, you can bet I’ll be stuck in the middle of it.”

“I have a knack for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“It seems like life enjoys testing me with constant obstacles.”

“Even the simplest tasks become a disaster when I’m involved.”

“I should be an expert at dealing with adversity by now.”

“I have the worst luck with technology; everything always breaks on me.”

“Fortune has never favored me, no matter how hard I try.”

“It feels like I’ve been chosen as the punching bag of life’s misfortunes.”