“When life gives you lemons, sometimes they’re just really sour.” – Unknown

“I seem to have a lot of bad luck. Maybe I should start carrying around a four-leaf clover or something.” – Unknown

“Unlucky in love, unlucky in life.” – Unknown

“I must have walked under a ladder because my luck just keeps getting worse.” – Unknown

“If there’s a chance for something to go wrong, it always will – especially for me.” – Unknown

“I feel like I was born under a dark cloud of bad luck.” – Unknown

“It’s like I have a black hole of luck sucking all the good things away.” – Unknown

“Sometimes I think my luck is so bad, it’s almost impressive.” – Unknown

“What’s the point of even trying? I’m always bound to fail.” – Unknown

“If I ever won the lottery, I’d probably lose the ticket.” – Unknown

“I swear, the universe must have it out for me.” – Unknown

“I’m like a magnet for all the wrong things in life.” – Unknown

“If there’s a misfortune to befall, count on me to be in the middle of it.” – Unknown

“I’ve accepted my fate as the world’s unluckiest person.” – Unknown TIME IS VERY SHORT QUOTES

“Sometimes I feel like a walking disaster waiting to happen.” – Unknown

“I wouldn’t be surprised if I tripped over my own shadow.” – Unknown

“Every step forward I take, something pulls me two steps back.” – Unknown

“Luck is not on my side, and it never has been.” – Unknown

“They say you make your own luck, but mine must be defective.” – Unknown

“When it comes to unfortunate events, I’m always the star.” – Unknown

“Sometimes I wonder if I was cursed in a past life.” – Unknown

“I can’t catch a break to save my life.” – Unknown

“I’m living proof that Murphy’s Law is real.” – Unknown

“Just when I think things can’t get worse, they somehow do.” – Unknown

“If bad luck were a sport, I’d be the MVP.” – Unknown

“No matter how hard I try, I’m always left feeling unlucky.” – Unknown

“Why do good things happen to everyone else except me?” – Unknown