“I came, I saw, I ate croissants.”
“Versailles: where every room is more extravagant than my entire house.”
“I’m not saying the Hall of Mirrors is excessive, but I’m pretty sure I saw my reflection in the ceiling.”
“Excuse me, can I get a refund on all the years I spent learning French? Because I still can’t pronounce half of these names.”
“Who needs a gold-plated bathtub? Asking for a friend who actually enjoys comfort.”
“Versailles: the only place where ‘too much’ is never enough.”
“Marie Antoinette may have said ‘Let them eat cake,’ but I couldn’t even find a decent croissant.”
“I think I actually pulled a muscle from rolling my eyes so much at the opulence here.”
“If only Instagram filters could make my life look as fancy as Versailles.”
“Versailles: where even the chandeliers are like, ‘We get it, you’re rich.'”
“Going to Versailles is a great reminder of what I’ll never afford.”
“Who needs a grand palace when you can barely afford to keep your lights on at home?”
“Versailles: where even the gardeners have fancier outfits than me.” POSITIVE QUOTES FOR WORK TODAY
“I feel like I need a degree in art history just to understand what’s going on here.”
“They say money can’t buy happiness, but have you seen the Petit Trianon?”
“Versailles: the original Pinterest board gone wild.”
“I’ve never seen so many paintings in one place, and I still can’t find any of the ones I like.”
“I’m starting to think all these gold decorations are just a clever way of hiding the fact that half the ceilings need repairs.”
“Versailles: where even the public restrooms have more marble than my entire kitchen.”
“Who needs a walk-in closet when you can have an entire room dedicated to your hats?”
“Versailles: the ultimate power move in home decorating.”
“If my house had this many statues, I’d probably never find my way to the kitchen.”
“Versailles: where ‘over-the-top’ is an understatement.”
“I feel like I need a monocle just to appreciate all the grandeur.”
“Versailles: making 18th-century France look modest since 168”