“Every child begins the world anew, filled with endless potential and love.”

“Having a child is like watching your heart walk around outside your body.”

“Waiting for you is the best kind of anticipation I have ever experienced.”

“You are already loved more than words can express, my little one.”

“I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and show you the beauty of the world.”

“You are the greatest adventure we have ever embarked upon.”

“May you always know how loved and cherished you are, my sweet child.”

“While we wait, our hearts are filled with dreams and hopes for you.”

“You are the missing piece we didn’t even know we were searching for.”

“Our home is waiting to be filled with the laughter and joy that you will bring.”

“You are a miracle in the making, little one.” LET GO LET GOD QUOTES

“You will forever be our greatest accomplishment and joy.”

“The moment we meet you, our lives will never be the same again.”

“Our family is not yet complete, but you are already a part of it.”

“You are the little miracle that we have been praying for.”

“Our love for you grows with each passing day, even before we hold you in our arms.”

“Just knowing that you’re on the way fills our hearts with indescribable happiness.”

“Dream big, little one, for the world is yours to explore.”

“You are a symbol of hope, love, and new beginnings.”

“Before we even meet you, we already know you are everything we have ever wanted.”

“You may be small, but you are already leaving a big impact on our lives.”