“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” – Joyce Meyer

“Sometimes God delays the answer to our prayers because He wants us to learn patience and trust in Him.” – Joel Osteen

“God’s timing is perfect. He may not come when you want Him to, but He will never be late.” – Cindy Jacobs

“Waiting on God is not a passive activity; it’s an active process of seeking, trusting, and surrendering.” – Unknown

“God doesn’t always give us what we want, but He gives us what we need at the perfect time.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the longest wait can lead to the greatest blessings.” – Unknown

“Don’t rush the process. God is preparing something amazing for you.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God is not wasted time, it’s a season of growth and preparation.” – Unknown

“Even when you can’t see it, God is working behind the scenes on your behalf.” – Unknown

“God’s plan is always bigger and better than our own. Have faith and trust in His timing.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God is an opportunity to strengthen your faith and develop a deeper relationship with Him.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God requires surrendering control and placing your trust in His sovereign will.” – Unknown

“God may not come when you want Him to, but He’s always right on time.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God doesn’t mean doing nothing, it means actively seeking His guidance and following His lead.” – Unknown

“When you’re waiting on God, remember that His plans are higher and His ways are better than ours.” – Unknown IF U TREAT ME LIKE AN OPTION QUOTES

“God’s delays are not denials; they are opportunities for Him to work in ways we can’t see.” – Unknown

“The waiting period is the perfect time for self-reflection and growth.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God is a test of faith; will you trust Him even in the midst of uncertainty?” – Unknown

“In the waiting, don’t lose sight of the fact that God is with you and working on your behalf.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God requires patience and perseverance, but the rewards are worth it.” – Unknown

“When you’re waiting on God, focus on the present moment and trust His plan for your future.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the wait discourage you; let it refine you into the person God wants you to be.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God is an opportunity to grow in faith and learn to rely on Him completely.” – Unknown

“God’s timing is always perfect; He knows what’s best for you and when it’s best for you.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God is an act of surrender, trusting that He knows what’s best for you.” – Unknown

“When you’re waiting on God, remember that He is always faithful to His promises.” – Unknown

“The waiting period is not wasted time; it’s a season of preparation for what’s to come.” – Unknown

“Waiting on God can be challenging, but it’s in the waiting where we often find our strength.” – Unknown

“God will never leave you in the waiting; He will always be with you, guiding your steps.” – Unknown