“You have the power to hurt me, but I have the power to rise above it.”

“Your words may sting for a moment, but my strength will endure.”

“Only those who are hurting themselves try to hurt others.”

“I won’t let your negativity define me or my worth.”

“Hurtful words say more about you than they do about me.”

“I refuse to allow your words to poison my spirit.”

“I will continue to shine brightly, despite your attempts to dim my light.”

“Your hurtful words are a reflection of your own insecurities.”

“My self-worth is not determined by your words.”

“I choose kindness and forgiveness over bitterness and resentment.”

“I won’t let your negativity interrupt my path towards happiness.”

“I will not let your words derail my journey to self-love and acceptance.” POSITIVE INSPIRATIONAL TINKERBELL QUOTES

“Your words may hurt, but they cannot destroy my inner peace.”

“Your negativity can’t affect me unless I allow it to.”

“I deserve respect and love, no matter what you say.”

“I am stronger than your hurtful words.”

“I will surround myself with positivity and let go of your negativity.”

“I choose to focus on the good in the world, despite your attempts to bring me down.”

“I won’t let your words steal my joy or peace of mind.”

“Your hurtful words will not deter me from reaching my goals.”

“I will not lower myself to your level by responding with more negativity.”

“Your words may hurt momentarily, but my strength and resilience will always prevail.”