“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” – Unknown

“Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou

“Haters are just confused admirers who can’t understand why everybody loves you.” – Paulo Coelho

“Remember, people only hate you because of the way other people love you.” – Unknown

“The best revenge is to show them that your life is getting better after they’re gone.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the haters get to you. They are just noise. You keep shining.” – Unknown

“Haters are like crickets; they make a lot of noise. You hear them, but you can’t see them. When you walk right by them, they’re quiet.” – Unknown

“People who hate you are just envious of your strength and their own weakness.” – Unknown

“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“When someone hates you for no reason, give them one.” – Unknown

“Don’t let someone’s opinion of you become your reality.” – Les Brown

“Hate is a burden that can only be carried by the one hating.” – Unknown 2ND ANNIVERSARY DEATH QUOTES

“Hate is heavy, let it go.” – Unknown

“Haters are like dark clouds obscuring the sunlight. But remember, the sun still shines above those clouds.” – Unknown

“Hate is the ultimate weapon of weak people.” – Unknown

“Their hate is just proof of how much they fear your greatness.” – Unknown

“Don’t let their hate consume your thoughts. Focus on the love around you.” – Unknown

“Hate, it has a way of eating up everything good in a person. Don’t let it consume you too.” – Unknown

“Hate is not an emotion worth giving energy to. Let it go and focus on what brings you joy.” – Unknown

“When someone hates you, it’s usually because they want to be you.” – Unknown

“Do not mistake their hate for your worth. You are so much more than their opinions.” – Unknown

“The best response to hate is to love yourself even more fiercely.” – Unknown

“No matter how much they hate you, don’t let it darken your heart. Keep shining.” – Unknown