“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Don’t let someone else’s opinion define who you are.” – Emma Watson

“What others say about me is none of my business.” – RuPaul

“Hurtful words say more about the person saying them, than about the person they are directed at.” – Unknown

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” – Unknown

“The only way to deal with criticism is to take a deep breath, reflect on it, and use it as an opportunity for personal growth.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Never waste your energy on those who disrespect or belittle you. Your worth is too precious to be diminished by their negativity.” – Brittany Burgunder

“Don’t let someone else’s words define who you are. Stand up for yourself, and be proud of who you are.” – Unknown

“Don’t let their words hurt you. You are way stronger than you think.” – Unknown

“The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life.” – Unknown

“Your success will always silence your critics.” – Unknown

“Stay true to yourself because there are very few people who will always be true to you.” – Unknown

“Kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile.” – Unknown

“Don’t stoop down to their level. Rise above and keep shining.” – Unknown

“Ignore the haters, because somebody loves you.” – Unknown DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FRIENDSHIP AND RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Don’t let their negativity bring you down. Use it as fuel to prove them wrong.” – Unknown

“Revenge is not in my plans. You’ll fuck yourself on your own.” – Unknown

“They may try to bury you with their words, but remember, you are a seed destined to grow into something beautiful.” – Unknown

“People who constantly talk behind your back do so because they have no life of their own.” – Unknown

“The best response to criticism is success.” – Unknown

“Don’t be concerned with what others think of you. They are too busy worrying about themselves to even notice.” – Unknown

“Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength.” – Unknown

“You can’t control what others say or do, but you can control how you react and how you let it affect you.” – Unknown

“Those who talk behind your back are behind you for a reason.” – Unknown

“Keep being you, because you’re doing a great job.” – Unknown

“Your opinion of me doesn’t define who I am.” – Unknown

“If they don’t know you personally, don’t take their criticism personally.” – Unknown

“The only person who needs to believe in you is yourself.” – Unknown

“Never let anyone’s opinion of you become your reality.” – Les Brown