“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Notke

“It’s not about having talent, it’s about how hard you’re willing to work to achieve your goals.” – Unknown

“Talent without hard work is simply wasted potential.” – Hakan Ozan

“Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work.” – Albert Einstein

“Your talent is no match for someone who works hard and is determined.” – Unknown

“Hard work is the key to unlocking your talent and achieving greatness.” – Unknown

“Talent is just a starting point; hard work is what truly separates the best from the rest.” – Stephen Curry

“Hard work is the foundation on which talent can build upon.” – Unknown

“Talent alone is not enough; you need to consistently work hard to reach your full potential.” – Unknown

“When talent doesn’t work hard, hard work can outperform talent.” – Kevin Durant

“Hard work is the birthplace of talent.” – Unknown

“Talent is only a spark; hard work is the fuel to keep it burning.” – Unknown

“Hard work creates talent; talent creates success.” – Ray Lewis

“Talent is God-given, but it’s the hard work that honours it.” – Unknown

“Hard work makes talent shine brighter.” – Unknown COMPETITIVE QUOTES ABOUT BEING THE BEST

“Talent is a gift, but hard work is the method to make it shine.” – Unknown

“Hard work is the bridge that connects talent to success.” – Jim Rohn

“When talent hits a wall, hard work is what enables it to break through.” – Unknown

“Talent without hard work is like a bird without wings.” – Unknown

“Hard work builds the staircase to reach the peak of talent.” – Unknown

“Talent might give you a head start, but hard work is what will keep you ahead in the race.” – Unknown

“Hard work ignites the flame of talent.” – Unknown

“Talent is just potential; it’s the hard work that turns it into reality.” – Unknown

“Hard work is the sweat that fuels the fire of talent.” – Unknown

“Don’t rely solely on talent; rely on hard work to unlock your fullest potential.” – Unknown

“Hard work outlasts talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Tebow

“Talent is a gift, but hard work is the key to unlocking its true potential.” – Unknown

“Hard work turns talent into success stories.” – Unknown