“In marriage, it’s not about who hurts whom, but how we heal together.”

“Even when my wife hurts me, I’ll choose to forgive and love her unconditionally.”

“Sometimes, love means understanding that hurts can unintentionally occur in a marriage.”

“A strong marriage is not built on avoiding hurt but on the ability to recover from it.”

“Hurt and pain in a marriage can be an opportunity for growth and deeper connection.”

“I’ll choose to communicate openly with my wife, even when her words or actions hurt me.”

“Hurt in a marriage doesn’t define us, but how we respond to it does.”

“I’ll focus on understanding my wife’s pain, even when it’s her actions that hurt me.”

“In every hurtful situation, I’ll always strive to respond with empathy and understanding.”

“Marriage is a journey of healing wounds and building trust after moments of hurt.”

“A loving husband can turn his wife’s hurt into healing by consistently showing his love and support.”

“It’s not about who’s right or wrong, but finding a common ground after being hurt.”

“In marriage, forgiveness is the key to letting go of the hurt and starting fresh.” OLD SCHOOL QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Even when it hurts, I’ll choose to believe in the power of love and the strength of our marriage.”

“As a husband, I’ll remain committed to my wife’s happiness, even in moments of hurt.”

“Hurtful words or actions can never outweigh the love and bond shared in a marriage.”

“When my wife hurts me, I’ll find solace in understanding that it may stem from her own pain.”

“Hurt can be a catalyst for change and growth if we choose to confront it together.”

“In a marriage, hurt can serve as a reminder to continuously work on bettering ourselves and our relationship.”

“Love doesn’t exempt us from hurt; it gives us the strength to overcome it.”

“Marriage is a sacred commitment to stand by each other’s side, even when we hurt each other.”

“Instead of dwelling on hurt, I’ll choose to focus on the love that brought us together.”

“A strong husband supports his wife in healing from past hurts, allowing their marriage to flourish.”

“The deepest wounds can only be healed by the love and understanding shared in a committed marriage.”

“I’ll never let a temporary hurt overshadow the lifelong happiness we can create together.”