“Why are you like this? Can’t you see the hurt you’re causing?”

“I don’t understand why you constantly push people away. Why are you like this?”

“I wish I knew why you always have to be so stubborn. Why are you like this?”

“It’s frustrating how you never take responsibility for your actions. Why are you like this?”

“You have such a negative attitude, and it’s exhausting. Why are you like this?”

“I don’t get why you always have to be so defensive. Why are you like this?”

“Why are you so afraid to let people in? Can’t you see how much they care?”

“Your indifference towards others is disheartening. Why are you like this?”

“Why do you always have to play the victim? Can’t you own up to your mistakes?”

“Your constant need for validation is draining. Why are you like this?”

“It’s hard to trust someone who constantly lies. Why are you like this?”

“Why are you so quick to judge others? Can’t you give them a chance?”

“You push people away when they get too close. Why are you like this?”

“It’s frustrating how you never take anyone else’s perspective into consideration. Why are you like this?” HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO SISTER AND BROTHER IN LAW QUOTES

“Why do you always have to be so self-centered? Can’t you think of others for once?”

“Your lack of empathy is concerning. Why are you like this?”

“Why do you always have to be so moody? Can’t you find some balance?”

“You shut down when things get tough. Why are you like this?”

“It’s hard to be around someone who constantly brings others down. Why are you like this?”

“Why are you always so defensive? Can’t you have a conversation without getting angry?”

“You never take anyone else’s feelings into consideration. Why are you like this?”

“Why do you always have to be so negative? Can’t you find something positive?”

“You manipulate others to get what you want. Why are you like this?”

“It’s hard to trust someone who constantly breaks their promises. Why are you like this?”

“Why are you so afraid of vulnerability? Can’t you let people in?”

“You have such a pessimistic outlook on life. Why are you like this?”

“Why do you constantly seek attention? Can’t you be content with who you are?”