“The problem is, bad things happen to good people because we live in a world where good and bad coexist.” – Unknown

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” – Bernice Johnson Reagon

“Bad things happen to good people to reveal their hidden strengths and to inspire others.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, bad things happen to good people to bring out the hidden resilience and beauty within them.” – Unknown

“The darkest times often reveal the greatest lessons and the strongest souls.” – Unknown

“Bad things can happen to good people because they have the strength to overcome and grow from those experiences.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a good person lies in how they face adversity and still remain kind, compassionate, and hopeful.” – Unknown

“Bad things happen to good people to remind us that bravery, empathy, and love are the greatest forces in the world.” – Unknown

“When bad things happen to good people, it presents an opportunity for them to inspire others and become a symbol of hope.” – Unknown

“Good people are not immune to pain, but they have the power to turn their wounds into wisdom.” – Unknown

“Bad things happen to good people to teach them valuable life lessons and to help them empathize with others who suffer.” – Unknown

“In the face of adversity, good people become beacons of strength, shining light onto others’ paths.” – Unknown HAPPY ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR MY GIRLFRIEND

“The true measure of a person’s character is how they handle challenges and setbacks.” – Unknown

“The universe may test good people, but it also gives them the resilience to overcome those tests.” – Unknown

“Bad things happen to good people to remind us that life is unpredictable and that strength is found in surrendering control.” – Unknown

“Adversity doesn’t discriminate; it tests everyone, regardless of their goodness.” – Unknown

“Bad things happen to good people to inspire compassion, kindness, and unity among those who witness their struggles.” – Unknown

“In times of darkness, good people become beacons of light, illuminating the path for others to follow.” – Unknown

“The struggles of good people remind us of the importance of helping one another and spreading love in the world.” – Unknown

“The strength of a good person lies not in avoiding bad things, but in how they rise above them.” – Unknown

“Bad things happen to good people to test their resilience, to redefine their purpose, and to inspire acts of kindness.” – Unknown

“While bad things may happen to good people, their goodness shines even brighter amidst the darkness.” – Unknown