To signal a direct citation or repetition of someone else’s words.

To indicate sarcasm or irony.

To express skepticism or doubt about the accuracy or appropriateness of a specific word or phrase.

To highlight a specific term or phrase that holds special significance in the context.

To indicate that the following words are a reference to a well-known phrase or expression.

To emphasize a particular word or phrase for impact or clarity.

To identify a specific term or phrase that may not be universally understood or recognized.

To establish a distinction between one’s own words and those of others.

To clarify that the following words are being quoted from a different source.

To indicate that the following words are not one’s own original thought or wording.

To denote the use of someone else’s words as a direct reference or evidence.

To highlight a specific word or phrase that encapsulates a broader concept or idea.

To signal that the following words are part of a larger conversation or dialogue. BEST AVA GARDNER QUOTE ABOUT FRANK SINATRA

To acknowledge that the following words may not accurately represent one’s own views or beliefs.

To express a level of detachment or skepticism towards the specific words being mentioned.

To differentiate between one’s personal interpretation or understanding and an established viewpoint.

To indicate that the following words are part of a quotation from a famous person or literary work.

To qualify or question the appropriateness or accuracy of a specific term or phrase.

To emphasize the exact wording or phrasing of a specific text or conversation.

To clarify that the following words are meant verbatim, without any alteration or paraphrasing.

To identify that the following words come from a different source or authority.

To highlight a specific phrase or expression that encapsulates a prevailing sentiment.

To distinguish between one’s own summary or paraphrase and an exact quotation.

To indicate that the following words are being used ironically or sarcastically.