“I may be wicked, but at least I’m honest.”

“Behind every wicked sister is a loyal guardian.”

“Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness – I’m wicked, remember?”

“I’m not evil, just wickedly clever.”

“Watch out, I may be the wicked sister, but I always get what I want.”

“There’s nothing more dangerous than a wicked sister with a plan.”

“I thrive on chaos and mischief, it’s what makes me wicked.”

“I didn’t choose to be wicked, the world turned me this way.”

“Being wicked is a way of survival in this cruel world.”

“I’m the wicked sister, the one who embraces her darkness.”

“I may be wicked, but I’ve got a heart buried deep within.”

“I wear my wickedness like a crown, ruling with fear and power.”

“Don’t try to tame the wicked sister, I’ll only become stronger.”

“Beneath my wicked facade, lies a sister who cares deeply.”

“I’ve earned my wickedness through years of betrayal and pain.” INSPIRING QUOTES ABOUT SAYING SORRY

“Being wicked is a choice, and I choose to embrace it.”

“I may be wicked, but I’m the sister who knows how to survive.”

“The wicked sister always gets her revenge, just wait and see.”

“Fear the wicked sister, for she has nothing left to lose.”

“I am the darkness that lurks within, the wicked sister you can’t ignore.”

“Being wicked is my birthright, inherited from generations of strong sisters.”

“I’m not just wicked, I’m wickedly talented.”

“The wicked sister knows how to play the game and come out on top.”

“The wicked sister is always two steps ahead.”

“I dance with the devil in the pale moonlight, for I am the wicked sister.”

“There’s more to me than meets the eye, the wicked sister has many secrets.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of the wicked sister, for she will bring about your downfall.”

“I may be wicked, but I have my own twisted sense of justice.”