“I’m not upset, I’m just disappointed.”

“Sometimes I wonder if you even listen to what I’m saying.”

“It’s exhausting constantly picking up after you.”

“I can’t believe you would do this after all we’ve been through.”

“You always find a way to let me down.”

“I deserve better than this.”

“Do you even care about my feelings?”

“I’m tired of feeling like I’m the only one putting in effort.”

“You never understand how your actions affect me.”

“I can’t keep pretending everything is okay when it’s not.”

“I feel like I’m constantly fighting for your attention.”

“I’m starting to question if we’re even on the same team anymore.”

“You’re always making promises you can’t keep.”

“I’m tired of feeling taken for granted.” LOVE QUOTES FOR SOMEONE WHO PASSED AWAY

“You never seem to prioritize our relationship.”

“I’m angry because I expected more from you.”

“You need to start taking responsibility for your actions.”

“I’m upset because I feel like I’m not being heard.”

“I need you to step up and be a partner.”

“Your behavior is causing a rift between us.”

“I can’t keep ignoring the problems in our relationship.”

“I deserve to be treated with respect.”

“Your actions have consequences, and I’m tired of cleaning up the mess.”

“I’m angry because I feel like you don’t value our marriage.”

“I’m frustrated because it seems like you never want to address our issues.”

“I’m hurt because you’re not giving me the love and attention I deserve.”

“I’m upset because it feels like I’m always the one making sacrifices in our relationship.”