“With friends like you, who needs enemies?”

“A friend who betrays is worse than an enemy who attacks.”

“In the end, it’s the people closest to you who hurt you the most.”

“True friends don’t stab you in the back.”

“Sometimes, your worst enemies are disguised as your closest friends.”

“Beware of friends who pretend to have your back but secretly plot against you.”

“A backstabbing friend is more dangerous than an enemy at the gate.”

“It’s better to have enemies who are open about their intentions than friends who deceive you.”

“Friends who deceive you are no better than enemies who wish to harm you.”

“Enemies may attack you, but a false friend will destroy you.”

“Trust is fragile, especially when betrayal comes from those closest to you.”

“A true friend will never put your trust to the test.”

“Friends who deceive are like weeds in the garden of trust.”

“A friend who stabs you in the back cuts deeper than any enemy could.”

“The wounds inflicted by a false friend never truly heal.”

“A friend who turns their back on you becomes a shadow of an enemy.” EASIER TO FOOL SOMEONE QUOTE

“The damage caused by a betraying friend is harder to repair than any assault from an enemy.”

“Betrayal from a friend can leave scars that last a lifetime.”

“Friends who betray are the ones who truly have the power to hurt you.”

“Never underestimate the destruction a deceitful friend can cause.”

“True friends support you in public, not plot against you in secret.”

“Real friends build you up, not tear you down behind your back.”

“When friends become enemies, trust is forever broken.”

“Broken trust with a friend feels like a knife in the heart.”

“One of life’s hardest lessons is realizing that friends can sometimes be your worst enemies.”

“The pain caused by a deceitful friend feels like a deep wound that never heals.”

“Remember, even enemies can be more honest than friends who deceive.”

“Enemies may hurt you, but they don’t give you false hope and betray your trust.”

“False friends are the architects of their own destruction.”

“A friend who turns into an enemy reveals their true colors.”