“Words, like knives, have the power to either heal or hurt.” – Unknown

“Be careful with your words, for they can cut deeper than any knife.” – Unknown

“Words may not leave physical scars, but they have the power to wound the soul.” – Unknown

“Choose your words wisely, for they can cut through hearts like a sharp knife.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the deepest wounds are the ones inflicted by words.” – Unknown

“Let your words be gentle, for they can pierce deeper than any blade.” – Unknown

“Words have the power to slice through the heart, leaving lasting scars.” – Unknown

“Beware of words that cut, for their impact can be far more damaging than a physical injury.” – Unknown

“Silent words can be just as lethal as a sharp knife.” – Unknown

“The tongue, like a knife, can bring pain or bring healing.” – Unknown

“Words can cut through the fiercest armor and leave wounds that never heal.” – Unknown

“A single word can be like a razor-sharp blade, capable of inflicting immeasurable damage.” – Unknown

“The deepest wounds are often invisible, etched by words that cut straight to the soul.” – Unknown

“Thoughtless words can leave scars that last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“Words hold the power to slice through hearts and minds with the precision of a knife.” – Unknown

“The tongue can be sharper than any blade, tearing through emotions with its words.” – Unknown FRIENDSHIP THINKING OF YOU QUOTES

“Words are like knives – they can either carve beauty or destruction.” – Unknown

“Choose your words as carefully as you would wield a knife.” – Unknown

“Words can penetrate deeper than any dagger, leaving invisible wounds behind.” – Unknown

“Make sure your words are not weapons, but rather instruments of love and understanding.” – Unknown

“Remember, you can’t take back the wounds caused by your words, just like you can’t undo a cut from a knife.” – Unknown

“Harsh words are like sharp blades, able to inflict pain that lingers long after they are spoken.” – Unknown

“Choose your words thoughtfully, for they have the power to either mend or destroy.” – Unknown

“Words that cut through the air are just as painful as physical cuts.” – Unknown

“Handle your words with care, for they can leave deeper scars than any knife.” – Unknown

“Words can slice through a person’s confidence, leaving them broken and wounded.” – Unknown

“Words, like knives, can be used to protect or to harm.” – Unknown

“Remember that words, once said, cannot be unsaid, and their impact can be sharper than any knife.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the pain caused by words can hurt even more than a physical injury.” – Unknown

“The tongue is mightier than any weapon, capable of causing more damage than a knife.” – Unknown