“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”

“Words can sting even more than physical pain.”

“The wounds caused by hurtful words can take a lifetime to heal.”

“Words have the power to cut deeper than any knife.”

“Hurtful words leave invisible scars on the soul.”

“One cruel word can destroy someone’s self-esteem.”

“Words hold the power to inflict emotional trauma.”

“The pain caused by hurtful words can be everlasting.”

“Words can be like poison, slowly killing the spirit.”

“A harsh tongue can break a person’s spirit.”

“Kind words can heal, but hurtful words can destroy.”

“Words can be weapons that shatter hearts.”

“Words can be used as a tool for emotional manipulation.”

“Hurtful words can leave a lasting impact on a person’s mental health.” SHORT QUOTE ABOUT READING

“The power of healing lies in the absence of hurtful words.”

“Choose your words carefully, for they have the potential to wound deeply.”

“Hurtful words spoken in anger can never be taken back.”

“Words have the power to create scars that never fade.”

“Negative words can eat away at a person’s self-worth.”

“It takes strength to forgive hurtful words, but they can never be forgotten.”

“Words that hurt can echo in the mind long after they have been spoken.”

“Hurtful words can be the root cause of low self-esteem.”

“The impact of hurtful words can be felt long after the initial sting.”

“Think twice before you speak, for your words have the power to wound.”

“The weight of hurtful words can crush the spirit of even the strongest individuals.”

“Words that hurt can create a cycle of pain that is hard to break.”