“Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid.” – Walter Winchell

“Gossip is just a tool to distract people who have nothing better to do from feeling jealous of those few of us still remaining with noble hearts.” – Anna Godbersen

“Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears.” – Unknown

“Gossip is a disease that spreads like wildfire, poisoning relationships along the way.” – Unknown

“Gossip is like a secret society, except everyone knows the secret.” – Unknown

“Gossip can paint a crippling picture of someone, but only if you hold the brush.” – Unknown

“Gossip is the devil’s telephone. Best to just hang up.” – Del Shannon

“Gossip is like a boomerang. It may feel good to throw it, but it always comes back and hits you in the face.” – Unknown

“Gossip is dangerous, hurtful, and often inaccurate. Choose empathy over spreading rumors.” – Unknown

“Gossip is cheap entertainment for those who lack inspiration.” – Unknown

“Gossip is a waste of precious energy. Instead, invest in yourself and focus on your own growth.” – Unknown NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNLESS YOU CHANGE QUOTES

“Gossiping about others won’t make you more interesting, it just reveals your lack of substance.” – Unknown

“Words can destroy lives when they are used to spread gossip and rumors.” – Unknown

“Gossip is the art of exaggeration turned into fact.” – Unknown

“Gossip is a cowardly form of communication because it requires no accountability.” – Unknown

“Gossip is like a fire that consumes relationships and leaves nothing but ashes behind.” – Unknown

“Gossip is the enemy of trust, friendship, and respect.” – Unknown

“Gossip is the dark side of idle minds.” – Unknown

“Gossip sucks the life out of productive conversations and replaces it with negativity.” – Unknown

“Gossip is an addictive poison that corrodes even the strongest of friendships.” – Unknown

“Gossip is a reflection of the person spreading it, not the person it’s about.” – Unknown