“The worst feeling is when you know you’re not enough for someone.”

“Feeling unwanted is worse than being alone.”

“The worst feeling is loving someone who doesn’t love you back.”

“The pain of losing someone you love is the worst feeling in the world.”

“Being betrayed by someone you trust is the worst feeling imaginable.”

“The worst feeling is when you realize you’ve been taken for granted.”

“Feeling invisible in a crowded room is one of the worst feelings.”

“The worst feeling is when you have to pretend you’re okay, even though you’re breaking inside.”

“Feeling like a failure is one of the worst emotions to bear.”

“The worst feeling is being surrounded by people but feeling utterly alone.”

“Losing someone you love is the worst feeling, because a void is left in your heart that cannot be filled.”

“Feeling overwhelmed with sadness is one of the worst emotions to endure.”

“The worst feeling is when you realize you’ve wasted so much time on the wrong person.”

“Feeling like you’re constantly disappointing others is a terrible burden to carry.” BEST QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“The worst feeling is when you have to let go of something you never wanted to lose.”

“Feeling inadequate in comparison to others can be incredibly demoralizing.”

“The worst feeling is when you can’t escape your own thoughts and emotions.”

“Being rejected is one of the worst feelings, as it makes you question your own self-worth.”

“The worst feeling is when you’re not taken seriously or your voice isn’t heard.”

“Feeling isolated and disconnected from the world can be incredibly painful.”

“The worst feeling is when you’ve invested your heart and soul into something, only to have it fall apart.”

“Feeling like you’re constantly disappointing yourself is one of the worst feelings imaginable.”

“The worst feeling is when you realize you’ve lost yourself in the process of trying to please others.”

“Feeling helpless in a difficult situation is an incredibly frustrating and disheartening experience.”

“The worst feeling is regretting the choices you made and realizing that you cannot undo the past.”

“Feeling like you’re constantly fighting against your own mind and emotions is an exhausting battle.”