“I never listen to you because I don’t care about your opinion.”

“You should be grateful to have me as your husband, no one else would put up with you.”

“You’re lucky I even bother coming home to you every day.”

“I don’t care about your feelings, they’re not important.”

“You’re worthless and will never amount to anything.”

“I never do anything for you because you don’t deserve it.”

“I don’t remember the last time I complimented you, why should I?”

“You’re the reason our marriage is failing, not me.”

“Why can’t you be more like other wives?”

“I don’t care if my behavior hurts you, you’re overreacting.”

“I can’t stand being around you, you’re so annoying.”

“Your dreams and goals are stupid, you should focus on taking care of me.” QUOTES BFF FRIENDSHIP

“You’re just a burden in my life.”

“Why are you always complaining? I never do anything wrong.”

“I don’t care about your problems, deal with them on your own.”

“You’re so unattractive, I can’t even look at you anymore.”

“You’re too sensitive, just toughen up and stop whining.”

“I can cheat on you, but you better not even look at anyone else.”

“Why should I apologize? I never make mistakes.”

“You’re a terrible wife, I wish I never married you.”

“I don’t care about your needs, I only care about mine.”

“You’re so stupid, I can’t believe I married you.”

“You’re just here to serve me, nothing more.”